Benefits for Distribution Centres
A typical large Distribution Centre will consume around 3,000,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year causing around 500 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emissions. Clean Power Lab helps businesses reduce GHG emissions arising from their use of electricity.
Carbon Intensity Assessments for Distribution Centres
Carbon Intensity Assessments for Distribution Centres
Emissions due to electricity use are known as Scope 2 emissions. Scope 2 emissions may be reduced by decreasing the Carbon Intensity of consumed electricity. Electricity comes from a range of generators such as coal power stations, which cause high GHG emissions, and wind farms, which cause zero emissions. The Carbon Intensity of electricity is highly variable and depends on the mix of generators operating at the time electricity is consumed.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Regional Average Carbon Intensity 2021

Daily Carbon Intensity Variations
Daily Carbon Intensity Variations
Carbon emissions from electricity are heavily dependent on when electricity is used. Changing time of consumption by a few hours can massively reduce emissions. Weekly and monthly variations can be much bigger than daily variations. A half-hourly carbon intensity forecast allows emissions to be minimized.
How Clean Power Lab can help you:
How Clean Power Lab can help you:
London Oct 21 at 20:00
London Oct 21 at 02:30
Moving consumption from 20:00 to 02:30 reduces GHG emissions by 85%
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Take a look at how we could also help:

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