Take control of your energy

If your business uses more than 10GWh of electricity per year, we can help you.

How it works

Analysis of your operational requirements with regional Carbon Intensity data to help you plan and minimize GHG emissions.

Our Services:

  • Assessments of potential potential CO2 savings.

  • Assessment of current, historic and future Greenhouse Gas emissions from electricity consumption.

  • Developing an effective Scope 2 emissions reduction strategy for your business.

  • Practical advice and support implementing CO2 reduction schemes using our automated switching platform.

  • Assessing how ‘green’ your current electricity supply actually is.

Off Shore Wind Farm
Chooz Nuclear Power Station, Ardennes, France

Regional Carbon Intensity

Emissions vary from region to region because the electricity generation mix varies. For example in 2021 the average Carbon Intensity of electricity supplied in Birmingham was 222 whilst in Glasgow it was 81% less, being just 42.

Regional Optimization:

  • Making operations more energy efficient will always reduce emissions.

  • Locating new operations in locations with low carbon intensity will help reduce emissions.

  • The chart below shows how regional CO2 intensity from electricity use varied in 2021.

Regional Average Carbon Intensity 2021

Hinkley C Power Station – under construction – Somerset UK

Daily Carbon Intensity Variations

Carbon emissions from electricity are heavily dependent on when electricity is used. Changing time of consumption by a few hours can massively reduce emissions. Weekly and monthly variations can be much bigger than daily variations. A half-hourly carbon intensity forecast allows emissions to be minimized.

London Oct 21 at 02:30

London Oct 21 at 20:00

Moving consumption from 20:00 to 02:30 reduces GHG emissions by 85%

How Clean Power Lab can help you

We help businesses understand and assess their current carbon emissions from electricity use. We can then develop a strategy for reducing these emissions whilst ensuring they operate effectively. Companies with multiple sites can significantly reduce their GHG emissions by targeting their energy efficiency investments at the optimum locations.

Assessment and Certification Service

Independent calculation and certification of your business’s Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Location Evaluation Service

Find the best location for low Scope 2 emissions now and where switching from fossil fuels to electricity will have most impact.

Load Switching Service

Automated switching of your electrical loads to minimize GHG emissions from electricity use.

Research, Analysis and Consultancy

Analysis of your operational requirements with regional Carbon Intensity data to help you plan and minimize GHG emissions.

Read our White Paper

Halving Business Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by managing Carbon Intensity

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